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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good Round Numbers

Thoughts for Today
Today was a big milestone day - I weighed in this morning at 10% less than I was on January 1. Also hit the 20 lb loss milestone and my 60th blog post. I've said it many times before, but I think I would have quit way before now if not for the blog. I've dealt with some long plateaus, episodes of stress eating where I felt like forgetting the whole thing, days where I passed up on food I didn't want to pass up on, and days when I ran on the Wii Fit even when I was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. But just about every night I've made the time to post on the blog and read the comments of all my blogger friends, and that usually helps get me refocused and back on track. That's all I got for now, good night y'all and thanks as always for all the support.

Some Wii Fit running and will probably do some more. Will  hit 8000-9000 pedometer steps.

Kellog's Fiber Peanut Butter and Chocolate Fiber Bar. 2 cups of black coffee.

Otter's for a big salad with 2 buffalo chicken tenders with a little bit of Italian dressing. Big glass of water.

I pan fried chicken tenders using a mix called Whistle Stop batter, and it was excellent. I had 3 with BBQ sauce. Sides were a Birds Eye Baby Peas and Mushroom Steamer and Roasted Red Potatoes. Everything fit neatly into sections of a kiddie tray. 2 Ultra Michelob Lites.

4-5 malted milkballs (Whoppers). Kellog's Fiber Peanut Butter and Chocolate Fiber Bar.  Gala apple.


  1. I got your me when you have time and I'll respond. I don't want to do it in your comment section and your followers wonder what the heck I'm talking about. :)

  2. Your doing awesome Matt!!

  3. My blog has definitely kept me accountable. I don't think I could push myself as hard as I do if it weren't for the blog. Because I know people are reading...I push and push. I'm with you on that.
